We seek to be a church where there is continuous personal and spiritual growth. We also hope to cultivate a culture of selfless, caring service in our community. You can find opportunities for both right here. 


Who is Jesus?

There have been many game-changing people who have graced the planet and made their mark but by far and away the ultimate game-changer of human history, of life for us today and for eternity is Jesus Christ.

He is arguably the most famous person in history. Two billion people on the planet today follow him. Time magazine has called him the most influential person who has ever lived. He is the one who, even though his life on this planet was brief and happened over 2000 years ago, continues to dominate the landscape of the Faith of humanity.

But who is Jesus? Watch this short documentary to find out more ...

We regularly run the internationally-renown Alpha Course — perfect for those curious about Christianity, new to Christianity, or who just want to go back to basics. It’s a safe space to explore the foundations of Christian beliefs, ask open questions, and have interesting discussions about Jesus and the Bible. To find out when our next Alpha Course is, get in touch.

Life groups of all shapes, sizes, and ages meet to study the Bible and care for one another in the joys and challenges of life. Groups run on different days of the week and at various times and locations. Contact the church office to find a group near you.

We love supporting our community with authentic courses that help with everyday life and skill-building. Courses cover topics like Marriage, Parenting, Finance Management, and more. These courses have meaningful discussions, though-provoking questions, goal-setting, and practical steps for real outcomes. To see what courses are coming up, get in touch

Getting baptised is a wonderful, spiritual way to publically express your relationship with Christ. It’s an outward expression of the inward faith experience, and shows you’re a part of the family of God. At Riverton Baptist, Baptism is by full immersion and is for believers who have wholly committed their lives to Christ. As such, we do not practice Infant Baptism. The only condition for baptism is that you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour and have asked Him to cleanse you from your sins.


If you feel challenged to be baptised, speak with one of the Pastors and they will arrange a suitable time to talk with you and chat you through what’s involved.

Prayer is a huge and powerful part of what we do here at Riverton Baptist. If you have a particular challenge, person, situation, or circumstance you’d like members of the church to pray for, let us know. We’ll confidentially share your prayer point to those in our Prayer Team, and you can remain anonymous if you’d like to. Simply contact us to share your prayer point.  


If you’re a musician, artist, designer, photographer, or have a passion for audio and visuals, you’d thrive as part of our Creative Ministry. Meet with likeminded individuals and use your God-given creative gifts to serve the church community. Contact us HERE to tell us about your incredible talents and to get started! 

Got a passion for sharing the Gospel? There could be an opportunity for you to serve in a Life Group, course, kids program, the Welcoming Team, or something else. You don’t need to have any special qualifications to get started — just a genuine heart to serve and see others grow in Christ. If you feel called to service, we’d love to help you thrive by setting you up with the right area. Contact us HERE to get started!

We partner with the following organisations, networks, institutions, and charities by highlighting their work, supporting them in prayer, and providing financial support.

Baptist Mission Australia

Baptist Churches Western Australia

Morling College

Baptist World Aid

Crossover Australia

Overseas Christian Fellowship

Youthcare Chaplaincy

View our serving opportunities


Giving in love

We couldn’t sew into the community the way we do without the generous financial support of our church family. 
If you prefer to donate in person, you can do so at any of our Sunday services.
Otherwise, you’re welcome to give online. Thank you for your generosity! 
Riverton Campus:
Name: Riverton Baptist Community Church
BSB: 704-922
Acc No: 100017628

High Wycombe Campus:
Name: Riverton High Wycombe Campus
BSB: 704 922
Account number: 100020473
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